The Great Tang Dynasty Monastery 塔,位于中国西安市,是中国佛教历史文化遗产之一。它始建于公元 652 年,由著名佛教领袖玄奘法师主持修建,用以保存他从印度带回长安的佛教经卷和佛像。
塔身七层,高度约 64.5 米,底层边长 25.5 米,***用砖木结构,是中国古代佛教塔的杰出代表。大雁塔的建立,不仅促进了佛教在中国的传播,同时也为中印两国文化交流作出了巨大贡
The big wild goose pagoda is located in the dacien temple in the southernsuburb. It is a famous ancient building in China and is regarded as the symbolof the ancient capital Xi'an. It is said that after the Tang monk came back fromIndia (ancient India), he specialized in translating and collecting scriptures.Due to the imitation of the Indian Wild Goose Pagoda, it is named the wild goosepagoda. Later, a ***all
The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda,又称大雁塔,是中国古代一座有着1300年历史的佛教塔。
1. 大雁塔始建于唐朝,原为大唐贞观十三年(公元645年)为纪念玄奘法师取回佛经而建造,在历史上具有重要的文化地位和纪念价值。
2. 大雁塔外观由十三层组成,高达64.5米,整座塔楼构造合理,外观秀丽高雅,是中国古代建筑中具有代表性的建筑之一。
大雁塔的英文介绍 50 词:
The Big Wild Goose Pagoda, located in Xi'an, is a well-preserved ancient building and a symbol of the old-line Xian. Constructed in the Tang Dynasty, it is a brick tower with a unique structure. The tower's walls are decorated with line drawings of the He***enly King and the Buddha, showcasing the high level of workmanship of the time. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a sacred place for Buddhists and a must-visit attraction in Xi'an.